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Showing posts from December, 2016

The role of spirituality in higher education

There has been much recent discussion on the role of spirituality in higher education, and much emphasis in the past 20 years on the importance of attending to diversity and equity concerns, though for the most part these discussions have been separate. In the New Millennium: The Role of Spirituality and the Cultural Imagination in Dealing with Diversity and Equity in the Higher Education Classroom by  Elizabeth J. Tisdell  — 2007 The Role of Spirituality and Cultural Identity in Transformative Adult Higher Educatio n Tisdell, Elizabeth J., and Derise E. Tolliver. "Claiming a Sacred Face The Role of Spirituality and Cultural Identity in Transformative Adult Higher Education."  Journal of Transformative Education  1.4 (2003): 368-392. Meditation   induces feelings of calmness and clear-headedness and also improve concentration Meditation and attention and cognitive abilities. Brain researcher Richard Davidson’s research shows that  meditatio

Benefits of waking early explained.

 “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it.”  ~Richard Whately “Life is too short,” she panicked, “I want more.” He nodded slowly, “Wake up earlier.” ~Dr. SunWolf Early waking explained: Start the day.  Circadian rhythm by nature is maintained by waking up early.    You get enough time to adjust yourself for beginning of a new day      2. Gradual beginning No need to rush from bed and do everything hastily . Set in with the pace and embrace yourself for the day      3. Silence Enjoy the blissful morning      4. Meditate   Perfect time to relax start and meditate ,this boosts your day      5. Enjoy the sunrise The experience of the sunrise is a bliss,this ensures your morale high.       6. Enoy breakfast With sufficient time to provide your body with energy,a healthy breakfast in a must.       7. Exercise in morning Healthy start for your mind and body co-ordination. How to Become an Early Riser Don’t mak

Health for all

Health for all Health services to all , basic , essential           services .  Importance: Enjoy healthful life is a birth rig ht . 1.Curative oriented. 2.Balance between urban/rural and rich/poor. 3.Elevate illite rate and poor . Health for all means 1.Equal distribution. 2.Accessible 3.Acceptable 4.Productive life.

Muscle building and recovery.

The feeling you get the day after an awesome workout? Your body throbs, you experience difficulty strolling? That is your body's way letting you know it has been worked and needs time to recuperate. The muscle recuperation/recovery stage after a workout is the point at which your body remakes and re-stimulates your muscles. In some cases your body doesn't recover as quick as you'd like it to. Here are 12 approaches to accelerate muscle recuperation after an intense practice session. 1. Hydrate. Drinking water after an extreme workout can free you from cramps caused by toxins and avert soreness . The fact that got dried out muscles can cause soar muscles. Drink several liters of water or more on days when you work out. 2. Drink a Protein Shake. Studies demonstrates that drinking a protein shake before or after a workout may lessen the seriousness of muscle soreness and accelerate muscle recuperation. A 2:1 proportion of carbs to protein is perfect.

Role of fasting and spirituality :)

Role of fasting We know there is no 'snappy settle' for getting fit. Resting easy and expecting to manage all kinds of ailment and years of terrible eating and little work out.  Fasting that works without a doubt it is a first best safe stride. Beginning on your new street to better well-being. Fasting is a perfect way for your body to get fit. The Role of Fasting “ Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from him a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our goods” (v. 21). -  Ezra 8:21–23 Scripture often links the spiritual discipline of prayer to fasting ( Dan. 9:3 ;  Luke 2:37 ). Since we just finished a brief look at old covenant prayer and its new covenant fulfillment, it is now proper to look at the spiritual discipline of fasting. Our passage today records a fast Ezra the scribe once mandated. The setting is the Persian Empire, which in Ezra’s day had recently overthrown

Glaucoma and its risk factors

Glaucoma  is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the  optic nerve  and  vision loss . Open-angle gl auc oma develops slowly over time and there is no pain.  Side vision  may begin to decrease followed by central vision resulting in  blindness  if not treated. Glaucoma Risk factors for glaucoma include :  increased pressure in the eye ,  a family history of the condition  migraines ,   high blood pressure , and  obesity . .  National Eye Institute . Retrieved  29 March 2016 .

Biceps exercises why Important

Biceps are the main muscle most folks need to work out, for two or three reasons.  Major biceps make you look great. A flexed bicep,filled with blood with a few of pumps looks great You shouldn't disregard the other part of your workout deltoids, triceps,  back,  mid-section,  legs, and so forth and so forth. EXERCISE 1  INCLINE HAMMER CURLS While you rate this No. 1, we give it mixed reviews. The incline bench position increases the stretch on the long head of the biceps, while the neutral grip increases emphasis on the brachioradialis and brachialis. But the "hammer" takes some of the tension away from the long head, negating the benefit you gain from sitting at an incline. Test this yourself by simply placing your right hand on your left biceps. Move your left hand from palm up to palm sideways and you can feel the tension change in your biceps. Reference Exercise 2:  Barbell Curl Barbell Curl The first biceps

Immunization in India

Immunization in India Why immunization? Immunization is one of the safest and most cost effective way of health interventions available. Key strategy to child survival Strong Indicator of Primary Health Care System Common diseases  prevented by Immunisation Tuberculosis Polio Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Hepatitis B Measles Japanese Encephalitis Immunization Schedule   Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease. Immunization is a proven tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening infectious diseases and is estimated to avert between 2 and 3 million deaths each year. It is one of the most cost-effective health investments, with proven strategies that make it accessible to even the most hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations. It has cl

Immunization schedule in India

Immunization schedule in India 2016 S.No Vaccine Prevents Minimum Age for Dose 1 Interval Between Dose 1 and Dose 2 Interval Between Dose 2 and Dose 3 Interval Between Dose 3 and Dose 4 Interval Between Dose 4 and Dose 5 1 BCG TB & bladder cancer Birth 2 HepB Hepatitis B Birth 4 weeks 8 weeks 3 Poliovirus Polio Birth 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 DTP Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis 6 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 6 months (Booster 1) 3 years (Booster 2) 5 Hib Infections caused by Bacteria 6 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 6 months (Booster 1) 6 PCV Pneumonia 6 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 6 months (Booster 1) 7 RV Severe Diarrheal Disease 6 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 8 Typhoid Typhoid Fever, Diarrhea 9 months 15 months (Booster 1) 9 MMR Measles, Mumps & Rubella 9 months 6 months 10 Varicella Chickenpox 1 year 3 months 11 HepA Liver disease 1 year 6 months 12 Tdap Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis 7 years 13 HPV Some Cancers & Warts 9 years For Child aged 9-14 years: 6 months. For Child aged